Cloud is not a new concept. IT and back-office workloads are already being managed in the public cloud.  Telecom Operators have also virtualized parts of the network infrastructure to gain operational efficiencies.

Join the training to better understand what’s next for Telecom Operators.  How will they leverage Edge Compute, Private/Hybrid/Public Cloud architectures, and Open Core Micro Services to securely manage the access and maintenance of a burgeoning data growth in public and private networks.

What is Cloud Native?

Cloud Native Challenges

Introduction to Kubernetes

Interested in Telco Cloud upskilling?

Go to our catalog and check out our Telco Cloud offering

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Download more details about the complete Telco Cloud curriculum by using the form below*

*Please, be open for a contact from our side to discuss your
interest in leveraging TIP Academy on upskilling your team.

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